This basic course covers the fundamental positions, techniques and sequences needed to offer a full traditional Thai Massage protocol, for relaxing and restoring the balance of the human mind-body.The focus of this class is hands-on practice.Students are supported in learning and practicing the 160 positions presented in the first textbook. The text is 340 pages, in English, including 17 chapters on the theory of ayurvedic therapeutic arts, the history of Thailand, basic human anatomy and physiology, technical modalities and sequencing of stretching positions, mobilisation and acupressure. This encyclopedia is considered the most comprehensive publication available in english in the field of traditional Thai Massage.The 30 hours of study in the classroom include rigorous supervision so that students assimilate and practice theoretical and technical knowledge.Each day begins with a Thai Yoga practice and then goes through the material of each lesson. The course concludes in a theoretical and practical examination. Students can always request additional supervision and guidance after graduation, as well as revisiting the class.
Price 600 Euros
Bookings:Bookings are closed for this event.