
The courses (Levels I, II, III) for Thai Massage certification facilitate the integration of acupressure techniques, yoga and meditation in a preventive and therapeutic practice, both for the students themselves as well as for their future therapy-partners, clients, patients, friends, and family members. A regular protocol lasts for about two hours and aims to relax and calm the mind-body, to reduce stress and tension, to invigorate and re-establish the balance in the organism.

The intensive 90 hour program (Levels I, II, III) covers the following topics:

  • The History and principles of Thai Massage
  • Basic and advanced techniques and sequence
  • Basic anatomy and physiology
  • Energetic „Anatomy” – meridians (Sen Sib) and the five elements of Life
  • Therapeutic principles to approach general health conditions
  • Contraindications and cautions
  • Ergonomics and self-care for the practitioner
  • Hands-on Practice
  • Thai Yoga Practice

All levels are accompanied by comprehensive text books and offer an international certification in affiliation with TMC, Thailand. Graduating from any of these modules enables the student to further continue their studies ath the mother-school in Chiang Mai and develop a career as Thai massage instructor.. TMC holds the honorable salutation for „Excellence in Education” and „Best Vocational School” awarded by the Thai Ministry for Education.

The intensive module is taught and structured exactly as it is offered at TMC, Thailand and meets all the requirements for Thai Massage Education in accordance with international standards for Quality, Authenticity, Efficiency and Safety in promoting the Art of Traditional Thai Massage.

Level I Fundamentals of Thai Massage – 30 Hours

600 Euros (including Certification)
All three levels combined in the Intensive Module benefit from a 15% discount, 1.530 Euro.

This basic course covers the fundamental positions, techniques and sequences needed  to offer a full traditional Thai Massage protocol, for relaxing and restoring the balance of the human mind-body.

The focus of this class is hands-on practice.

Students are supported in learning  and practicing the 160 positions presented in the first textbook. The text is 340 pages, in English, including 17 chapters on the theory of ayurvedic therapeutic arts, the history of Thailand, basic human anatomy and physiology, technical modalities and sequencing of stretching positions, mobilisation and acupressure. This encyclopedia is considered the most comprehensive publication available in english in the field of traditional Thai Massage.

The 30 hours of study in the classroom include rigorous supervision so that students assimilate and practice theoretical and technical knowledge.

Each day begins with a Thai Yoga practice and then goes through the material of each lesson. The course concludes in a theoretical and practical examination. Students can always request additional supervision and guidance after graduation, as well as revisiting the class.

Level II Enhancement of Thai Massage – 30 Hours

600 Euros (including Certification)
All three levels combined in the Intensive Module benefit from a 15% discount, 1.530 Euro.

This class serves the purpose of grounding and optimizing the knowledge gained in Level Iand covers the following:

  • Review of level I and additional variations techniques
  • 17 new advanced techniques
  • 17 positions of Thai Yoga
  • Theory of Sen Sib
  • How to sequence and plan a session for different situations with case studies.

All additional information is included in the Level II textbook for level II, 125 pages in English with illustrations.

The final exam is a two hour practical examination where the student is asked to address a specific condition, for example: Chronic pain in the upper limb or chronic pain in the lower limb.

Level III Therapeutic Thai Massage – 30 Hours

600 Euros (including Certification)
All three levels combined in the Intensive Module benefit from a 15% discount, 1.530 Euro.

The class focuses on the study of 22 therapeutic cases of common chronic and non-pathological conditions.

Each lesson presented in the textbook is accompanied by a theoretical framework explaining the connective anatomical structures, common causes, therapeutic and prophylactic approach.

The class wraps up with students learning how to make a Hot Herbal Compress using ayurvedic herbs and how to use and incorporate it as a therapeutic tool in their practice. The practical examination for this level requires that students know how to mix and match techniques and how to add the Hot Herbal Compress in the protocol.

The textbook for this level has 191 pages, in English, and includes all the above mentioned information, as well as screening modalities, contraindications and caution in order to ensure effectiveness and safety in the therapeutic practice.