
Hi, I am Irina. I am a traditional bodywork therapist, certifying trainer in Traditional Thai Massage (Lanna Lineage), as well as Thai Yoga and self-care practices instructor and Thai Boxing trainer.

My passions are alternative medicine, holistic and scientific approaches to the human experience, martial arts and philosophy. I find peace and fun in plant based culinary experiments and the uniqueness of feline company.

In 2013 I began my travels to Thailand in search of a deeper understanding and mastering of martial arts. These journeys led me to learning and acquiring skills in traditional Thai healing practices. I studied at one of the most prestigious schools in Chiang Mai – TMC and graduated from the government certified teacher training of 600+ hours. I have also attended the International conference of Thai Massage organized by TMC in 2017 in Chiang and have visited the classes of other schools and teachers, like ONG’s Thai Massage School and the briliant Jack Chaiya. I have also received the Massage Therapist Certification from the Medical Fitness Academy in Berlin. This enhanced my knowledge of applied anatomy and physiology from a Western perspective. And my university degree is in Psychology and Special Education which have proven a useful foundation for my teaching.

Beyond the wonderful intensive training I’ve received, my most worthy teachers have been my clients and my students over the years. Starting in 2016 I began teaching and certifying in my home country, Romania, as well as in Berlin, where I have recently relocated to.

I strongly believe that self-health-care is a liberating tool. Everyone is entitled to know how to use it in order to achieve optimal health, without relying strictly on pharmaceutical treatments and health care systems that regularly fail to serve and meet our needs.

I am thrilled to share my understanding and skills in therapeutic arts and practices and to be able to guide you towards your certification in traditional Thai massage.

Subscribe to my newsletter and find out when and where I am offering trainings, workshops and courses whether in Germany or Romania!